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About me

Hi, my name is Joy Willis, an artist and lover of nature. Thank you for visiting my website. Painting and creating are passions of mine. The mediums that I like to work in is well, everything. But my favorite is Watercolor and Sumi Ink. Photography feeds the creativity by studying light and writing  in a poetic manner help me to express thoughts about the pictures I take.

In Southern California there are beautiful beaches to go explore and take photos, of which I take advantage.

The first page has my current work. I was able to paint much in 2020 and this was a creative time for me to get reacquainted with my paper, paint and brushes.  I was mainly interested in ocean themed paintings, shells and flowers.  The seashells I painted were from my own collection I used to have and the ocean scenes, experiences at the beach. I would say I am colorist, loving color, experimenting with it. Feel as though I have not really delved into it like I want but enjoy using Winsor Newton, Daniel Smith, Schemenke, and Holbein Watercolors. I use Arches 140lb Cold Press, pretty much exclusively for for my paper.  But am venturing out and experimenting with mixed media on Hot Press and Rough and all different kinds of drawing paper as well.

On this website there are photographs with poetic words, scarves, drawings and experimentations with sumi ink. 

If you would like to know more about my work or have any questions, please send me an email at

I also write poetry, if you enjoy reading poetry, please check out,,  as I also enjoy writing especially poetry as well.

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